What cancer were you diagnosed with?

Stage 2 triple negative breast cancer

What age were you diagnosed?


What has helped you to thrive?

My 2 young boys have are a great distraction to everything cancer related to do help to make you smile. They helped me have the energy to get up every morning and fight. (Don’t have much choice when they skip in at 6am!)
I’ve also become a Boobette volunteer for CoppaFeel! as I’m so passionate now to ensure all young people are regularly checking.

Hannah's Story

In October 2019, aged 31 I was diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative breast cancer after finding a lump in the shower.
For 8 months, November to June 2020, I completed my active treatment - 15 sessions of chemotherapy, a mastectomy and 15 sessions of radiotherapy. Because of my age I was offered genetics testing and during treatment I discovered I also carry the BRCA1 gene mutation which came as a shock as I do not have strong family history. Due to this gene I was eligible to have a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, something I felt strongly about in order to reduce my future risk as much as possible. However because of Covid-19 my surgery was altered and wasn’t all classed as “essential”. I was only allowed to have my left breast removed (the cancerous side) and therefore had this done in April in the middle of lockdown. In May I was given the news that I’d had a complete pathological response to chemo.

My preventative surgery and reconstruction should hopefully happen next year and I will potentially have my ovaries out in a few years because of being BRCA. I have fantastic support from my husband, family and friends and my 2 young boys are a great distraction, (sometimes) the best medicine, if not slightly exhausting!