We would like to say a massive thank you to LetterOne for their incredible support since 2017. Generous funding of £225,000 has enabled Trekstock to deliver nationwide programmes that have transformed the lives of young adults living with, through and beyond cancer.

Trekstock is extremely grateful to LetterOne for its commitment to fund Trekstock's programmes over the last 3 years.

Without LetterOne’s funding, we would not have been able to grow and scale Trekstock's programmes, such as RENEW and Meet & Move, across the UK. The funding also helped us create and launch our nutrition guide. This has created a tangible step-change for Trekstock to ensure no young adult faces cancer alone. 

The support of Lord Mervyn Davies (Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of LetterOne) and all the LetterOne team has raised vital awareness of Trekstock's support services. It has enabled us to reach more young adults living with and beyond cancer needing physical and psychological support than ever before. 

Funding from LetterOne has enabled Trekstock to achieve the following key milestones:

  • Increased Trekstock’s reach to support even more of the 34 young adults diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK.
  • Increased the number of young adults accessing our RENEW exercise programme.
  • Launched Trekstock's Nutrition guide: Food and Cancer – What’s The Deal?
  • A nationwide rollout of our flagship Meet & Move events.
  • Secured partnership with Transport for London showcasing Trekstock's young adult stories around hidden illnesses.
  • Secured BBC Radio 5 online and audio piece showcasing Trekstock’s RENEW exercise programme.

“The multi-year donation from LetterOne has not only helped drive long term growth for Trekstock, but it has also made a significant difference to the growing number of young adults we support.” Trekstock's CEO and Founder, Sophie