What cancer were you diagnosed with?

breast cancer

What age were you diagnosed?


What helped you to thrive?

I hope that in writing down my thoughts and emotions I might help someone else going through the same thing and that ultimately my children will know the person I really am, should they ever choose to read my blog.

Detrice's Story

In a way, my cancer 'journey' has been much like anyone else's. A bit of a roller coaster really. Having said that, it has broken my heart and as such, I decided to write about it.

The reality of my diagnosis and the prognosis of a shorter life than I once took for granted has pushed me to write down all of my thoughts and things that I want to say to my children in the future.

I hope that in writing down my thoughts and emotions I might help someone else going through the same thing and that ultimately my children will know the person I really am, should they ever choose to read my blog.

I got involved with Trekstock to perhaps help others going through the same thing, and that hopefully, they might not feel as 'alone' as I did when reading my perspective.

Read more of Detrice's story here:

A young mum's journey through breast cancer and beyond