Have you recently been diagnosed with cancer and want to get moving again? Are you going through treatment and lost the motivation to be active? Or have you finished treatment and want to regain your strength? Whatever your current fitness level or exercise history, we know how hard it can be to exercise regularly, and we are here to help you get moving safely, and with lots of support. 

Our online Pilates classes, run by Laura Porro from Equilibrium Studios, are a great way to gently get moving again after your diagnosis.

Suitable for all levels and designed for young adults living with and beyond cancer, these classes will leave your body feeling energised and peaceful. All movements are easily adaptable, and many are beneficial for possible treatment side effects such as neuropathy.

To find out when our next class is taking place and to book your free space:


Why should you choose Pilates for your cancer journey?

Pilates helps you along your cancer journey, to gain back your strength, range of motion, energy and self-esteem (among other things), following cancer surgery and treatment.
Pilates is a safe and flexible form of exercise that can be adapted to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

What does it look like?

Pilates is a system of training for your body and mind, based on principles created by Joseph Pilates.
It fosters a deep connection between body and mind. The awareness and focus unique to the Pilates practice lead to an intense and deeply satisfying workout, which will leave you feeling stronger, more flexible, and at ease in your body.
During a Pilates session you will use your own body and a range of small props (such as bands, balls and weights). You will perform exercises in different positions, including standing, sitting and lying down.

What difference will you see?

Pilates, like other forms of exercise, reduces the side effects of cancer treatment. Exercising makes you feel less tired, it strengthens your immune system, it reduces pain, and it makes you sleep and feel better.

Evidence shows that exercise prevents future cancers and other conditions that make it easier for cancer to arise.

Will you be able to do it?

Yes! If you have a body, you can do Pilates. Everybody can do it, regardless of one's level of strength, flexibility or confidence. The goal of Pilates is not making the biggest movement or lifting the heaviest weight, it is about building your awareness of how you move, and enjoying it.

Coming Soon.......

4-week courses that will be a specific focus and the classes will progressively develop your ability in that particular area. For instance, the focus could be a movement skill (e.g. balance), or a part of the body (e.g. building upper body strength), or a Pilates advanced exercise (e.g. 'rolling like a ball').


Laura is a Cancer Exercise Specialist, who discovered Pilates as a way to improve her posture. She practiced Pilates for several years and her passion for it eventually led her to decide to qualify as a teacher. She is interested in how Pilates supports people to feel comfortable and confident in their bodies.

Laura loves to deepen her understanding of how bodies work which is why she went on to train as a cancer exercise specialist to ensure that she had an understanding of bone health, osteoporosis, pre/postnatal and post-rehab protocols. 

“When I practice Pilates, I am fully absorbed. I feel inside my body and mind in a way that no other activity allows me to experience. I emerge from Pilates practice feeling a deeper sense of connection, which I hope my clients experience as well.”

In 2019, she founded Equilibrium Studio, whose goal is to enable everyone to feel good in their bodies. Pilates is key to fostering a deep connection between body and mind. The awareness and focus unique to the Pilates practice can lead to an intense and deeply satisfying workout, which will leave you feeling stronger, more flexible and free from pain.

While Laura embraces the principles Joseph Pilates advocated, closely following his teaching and inspiration, she also keeps up to date with the latest findings in the science of movement, in an approach that effectively marries tradition and research.